Color Theory: How Does Your Brand Imagery Make Buyers Feel?

Color theory and color psychology play a major role in the multi-billion dollar business marketing industry. Color theory is the art and science of how different colors affect the brain and body. With buyers focusing on visual appearance above all else, it may be helpful for your small business to consider how the colors of your brand imagery might be influencing potential customers and clients. When it comes to your logo, signage, business cards, website, vehicle wraps, social media, packaging, and advertising, consider the associations that people make with specific colors.

Warm Colors

Red- urgency, movement, passion, a call to action

Orange- fun, stimulates critical-thinking

Yellow-cheerful, optimistic

Brown- stability, natural elements

Cool Colors

Green- health, power, tranquility, nature

Blue- peace, tranquility, reliability, security

Purple-royalty, wisdom, respect, problem-solving

Pink- calming, reduces heart rate

Neutral Colors

Black- authority, power, confidence, sophistication, modern

White- modern, clean, simple

Gray- practicality, solidarity

A marketing study in 2004 found that color increases brand recognition and purchase decisions by 80%. Are the colors of your brand imagery communicating some of the values of your small business? When it comes to branding, marketing, web design, web development, SEO, and graphic design you can count on the expertise and customer service of Ocoos Web Consulting. We work with small businesses in Ocala and the surrounding areas, and have a sincere passion for providing our clients with products and services that represent their business in the best possible way! Contact us today for a free consultation. We are eager to help add a little color to your web presence!


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