User-Centered Design: Defining the Problem


Evaluating the user experience of your website is critical to gaining and maintaining your customers and clients. To begin, we looked at your “why.” Why will customers visit? What is it that you hope they will accomplish on their first, and subsequent, visit to your website? Empathizing with your clients and seeing your website from their point of view should lead you to identifying any problems in the usability of your web presence.

In Practical Techniques for Designing Better Products, Matthew Wakeman states, “If I have only one hour to solve a problem, I would spend up to two-thirds of that hour in attempting to define what the problem is.” As you view your website from a customer’s perspective, try to notice any barriers that might prevent a user from locating specific information. For example, if your main goal is for potential clients and customers to sign up for your newsletter, is the sign up area easy to access and visible upon quick glance? You might even opt to have friends and family take a look at the site to offer feedback on it’s usability.

Throughout this process, always focus on the user. Who are your present and future customers? What do they need from you and your website? Will they find it easily? If not, why? Once you have clearly defined your problem, you will be ready to start brainstorming solutions to get your website market-ready!


User-Centered Design: From Problem to Process


User-Centered Design: Start with Your Why