User-Centered Design: Start with Your Why


What is your why? Why will customers visit your website? What do you hope that they will accomplish while viewing? This is the first thing you should consider when assessing the usability of your website. If you don’t have a website yet, this may be a great launching point to brainstorm your branding and online presence.

Once you have determined your “why” try to attempt to see your website with fresh eyes. You want to view your website from a customer perspective. Are customer objectives attainable based on the layout of your page? Is there anything that is potentially confusing or difficult to navigate? Take notes as you view your page. You will use these notes to determine your follow-up activities. By starting with this simple step, you are on your way to having the most meaningful and relevant experience available to your present and future customers! Stay tuned for more tips on improving UX on your website!


User-Centered Design: Defining the Problem


Key Design Trend of 2021