Ocoos Web Consulting | Web Design Ocala Florida

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Why is Responsive Web Design Important?

As a small business owner, your website’s goal is to reach potential clients and customers. Your website builds brand recognition and customer loyalty by providing authentic, valuable information to its viewers. Did you know that you could be losing potential clients and customers if your website is not created to be responsive to the user? Responsive Web Design (RWD) ensures that your site can adapt and respond to its users.

What is RWD?

Responsive Web Design (RWD) is created through the use of a visual coding language called CSS (Cascading Style Sheets). CSS is a visual coding language used in conjunction with HTML, which is a content coding language. Web designers use this code to ensure that your website displays correctly on all devices and screen sizes automatically.

Why Does it Matter?

Whether a potential client is viewing your website from a smartphone, desktop computer, tablet, laptop, or smart TV, you want to be sure that they are accessing the same images and content. With users frequently seeking content from multiple devices it is essential to design websites that work well across each of them. Imagine creating a website for each of the potential devices that your viewers could be using! RWD does the heavy-lifting to save you time and money.

What Makes a Website Responsive?

Responsive Web Design is characterized by three key features outlined by Ethan Marcotte. Marcotte conceptualized RWD. In order for a website to be responsive it must be built with a flexible grid foundation, contain images that are also flexible, and different views must be enabled in different contexts. RWD adapts your website depending on the screen size, orientation, resolution, color, and more.

At Ocoos Web Consulting, we offer high-quality, responsive web design and developing services. For over ten years we have been assisting businesses in Ocala and the surrounding areas to create web presences that are beautiful and functional. We are passionate about providing our clients with the exact tools that they need to be successful. Contact us today to schedule a free consultation.