Relevant Goals


Creating S.M.A.R.T. (Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Relevant, and Time-Bound) business goals has been shown to increase your chances of reaching that goal. Not only that, it also helps to keep you motivated throughout the process. Making sure that your goal is relevant to you and your business is an essential part of that goal development. Consider why you are choosing this goal. How will you benefit? How will this goal work alongside your other business goals? For example, if your goal is to sell handmade art through Shopify on your website, how is that relevant? Your answer could be that it allows you to grow your business further by increasing your income. It may seem obvious, but check in to make sure you are keenly aware of how this goal is applicable to you and your business. At Ocoos, we specialize in using your goals and vision to build a customized plan for your business. We will utilize the power of your web presence, marketing, branding, and communication to help you achieve! Call for a free consultation today!


Time-Bound Business Goals


Unbelievable to Achievable