Ocoos Web Consulting | Web Design Ocala Florida

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It’s Time to Get Specific

Having a business goal that is too broad and undefined can actually make the goal seem insurmountable. Where do you start? How will it happen? How long will it take? Using the S.M.A.R.T. acronym to create your business goals is a gamechanger! To start, we need to make sure that we are creating a goal that is specific. Being specific requires you to identify exactly what it is that you hope to achieve. Consider the 5W’s to help take your goal from broad and vague to specific and conquerable!

What do I want to accomplish with my business?

Why is this goal important to me and my business?

Who will be involved in this goal?

Where will this happen?

Which resources will I need to accomplish this goal?

Getting specific with your goal will transform your idea into actionable steps. Here at Ocoos, we love being a part of your small business journey, and look forward to celebrating YOUR success!