Are You Ready to Add E-Commerce to Your Website?
Have you considered offering online shopping to your customers? Adding a method of e-commerce to your web presence can expand your customer reach, grow brand awareness, and increase sales. E-commerce grew exponentially during the pandemic and remains in high demand by consumers.
E-commerce (electronic commerce) is the buying and selling of goods and services online. Even social media has become an important driver for e-commerce, as businesses seek out more ways to reach potential clients and customers. Most e-commerce transactions fall within these categories:
Business to Consumer (B2C)- businesses selling to the public through the use of shopping cart software
Business to Business (B2B)- manufacturers selling to distributors/wholesalers or distributors selling to retailers
Consumer to Business (C2B)- consumers sharing a project and receiving bids on that project from businesses
Consumer to Consumer (C2C)- consumers selling to each other (Etsy, eBay, etc.)
E-commerce is here to stay, and your web presence remains crucial to the growth of your business. Adding an e-commerce option to your website can make it easier to facilitate the sales of your products and services. If you are considering adding e-commerce to your website, contact your local web developer to discuss your options. At Ocoos Web Consulting, we work with clients to create beautiful and functional websites that increase sales, brand awareness, and customer reach. Our clients have experienced exceptional growth with the addition of e-commerce options, and we would love to discuss what options would work best for you and your growing business. Contact us today to schedule a free consultation or to discuss our web development, web design, digital marketing, graphic design, virtual tours, aerial photography, and SEO services.