Ocoos Web Consulting | Web Design Ocala Florida

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5 Ways to Spruce Up Your Digital Touchpoints for the Holiday Season

Small businesses are hopeful as in-store shopping is making a resurgence this holiday season. Many consumers are opting to shop both in-person and digitally, based on the specific product or service they are seeking. Despite this resurgence, a consumer’s digital interaction with your brand remains critical. Google and Boston Consulting Group conducted surveys on consumer shopping changes and discovered that more than 70% of those surveyed reported that their shopping journey involved online touchpoints.

Online touchpoints or digital touchpoints are any points of interaction that a consumer has with your brand’s web presence. This includes both your website and social media accounts. Helping clients to reach you and interact successfully with your brand, is well worth the time and effort. Here are 5 ways that you can spruce up your web presence for the holiday season.

  1. Make sure that your website is mobile-friendly. More than a quarter of consumers shop and engage with brands from a mobile device. Having a web presence that can’t be viewed properly on a mobile device can be a huge deterrent for consumers.

  2. Make a great first impression with your home page. Does your visual design and logo represent your business well? Is it easy to navigate your website from the home page?

  3. Eliminate obstacles from your website. You might be surprised how many small business websites have missing or outdated information. Read through your website’s content, and check for any “dead links” that lead to nowhere. These obstacles can prevent consumers from engaging with any of the content on your website.

  4. Keep your social media active. Make sure that you have a recent post on each of your social media accounts. Even if you don’t post frequently, show consumers that your business is still active.

  5. Level-up with SEO. Take steps to improve your SEO (Search Engine Optimization). Ensure that your website has quality content and is easily discoverable by potential clients.

Here at Ocoos Web Consulting, we aim to be a one-stop shop for small businesses in Ocala and the surrounding areas. We offer high-quality web development, web design, graphic design, digital marketing, and SEO services to help your small business to stand out from the rest! Contact us today for a free consultation.